Thank God for Fridays. Even more-so, thank you for Fridays with help, and no kids to pick up from school. I was able to take this morning to get my eyes checked (haven't really changed and therefore NOT the cause of my recent migraines) and pick out a pair of sunglasses for this summer. Since Mom had come down to get her car fixed her and I also made our way around town running little errands I normally wouldn't be able to do with all my kids or my normal time constraints. It was nice just having that kind of relaxing and yet successful afternoon.
I had free money to JC Penny's so we went to the mall and since we were already there we let Evelyn watch the Merry Go Round. She hasn't liked it in the past (or at least not sitting on moving parts) but after watching another 'baby' go on it she wanted to go too... until we actually got her on a horse and it started moving. Mom had to hold her the rest (whole) time, but it was entertaining enough and I got a cute shot out of it.

Mom went ahead and took Evelyn home with her for the night to visit so Cliff and I took advantage of the evening off and headed to Bert's house for great food and fun games with him and his daughter. All in all, a fantastic way to finish my week.
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