We didn't realize our ticket would turn us into V.I.P.'s but we ended up having our own guide of sorts to point out the best shows, stories of the faire, etc. Turns out our lunch with The Queen (delicious food by the way, I was still rolling hours later from how stuffed I was) was literally WITH The Queen. As in RIGHT next to her. And to think I thought walking past her court was a cool picture because I got so close! Cliff and I were literally IN her court, in many different peoples snapshots. Weird, but not something you get to experience *especially with us not being in costume!* everyday.
Seeing how we were the only ones who got a ticket like that I understand why they were a bit surprised at our very common attire (we didn't even dress up nicely, me in pig braids and Cliff in his Old Navy tee). They stayed forever in character though providing quite a bit of entertainment as they poked fun at us (like me for being in my underthings) and also explained why whenever you remove your hat to meet the queen (not proper to have a naked head like we did) you place the opening over your heart not for any sweet reason, but to keep the bugs from getting out. Literally.
However, even with our tasty lunch that was followed with our very fun (and much more difficult than expected) fencing lesson the best part was at the end of the day when we watched the Daredevil Chickens. Cliff and I still had on our special ribbon flowers that marked us as VIP (whether or not this actually had any effect on why Cliff got chosen *repeatedly* I doubt it, but) at the time, he was convinced he was chosen because of it- those of us watching knew he was chosen because he added to the comedy. There is video, but I have been informed that it actually deters from just how funny they (the chickens and Cliff) actually were.
The show started with the chicken wife (Attila the Hen) catching 3 rings thrown at her simultaneously and caught on her body. Then, the husband chicken chose a member from the audience to attempt the same thing, failure would result in shaming, and success would allow the show to begin. The audience member choice being Cliff. It took two tries, but Cliff did it with flair (the first time really was a bad throw, not a bad catch). When he completed the task he got to sit back down and watch as they selected a child from the audience so that they could make the child fly and land in a *small* net. And then came the fun part, they needed someone to hold that net to catch the child and they saw the best choice-Cliff! So he got dragged up there again.... and they didn't let him come back so easily after that.
Okay, it was many shades of hilarious and that's what makes the video so bad: I was laughing so hard and I was using a small picture camera several rows back, but I'm going to post it anyway. I still find it giggle worthy.
His first time up... you can see he actually tries while he's up there... all the more reason why he got chosen a second time
a bit longer, but the second bit (after he caught the 'flying' boy)
When the chickens finally released Cliff the second time he returned to his seat and tore of his flower pin, positive it was the reason he was selected. Apparently several people noticed this movement and after the show he had his own gaggle of followers (all ladies, probably single) complementing him on his great performance and asking how he got his flower pin that got him selected.
If having to sit right next The Queen and be photographer throughout our lunch didn't convince him ren fairs are for fools, this probably did.
We all had a great time and even Cliff was able to leave with a smile on his face, although I doubt he'll wear any special pins before watching a show that uses audience participation again.
*Oddly enough I wrote a ton today (so I put it all here) and since I was being guided all around I didn't actually get that many pictures. I'll be stealing some of the ones taken from my brother and sister and posting them later.
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