This morning I had a doctor appointment to figure out a treatment for my recent migraines and unfortunately I had no option but to take Isaac and Evelyn with me. It went pretty smooth and both kids were very well behaved considering the extreme lack of entrainment-mostly they flipped though random magazines together. I meant to bring the 'pod' for Evelyn to watch her Diego but somehow I forgot it so she riffled through my diaper bag until she found something she was interested in-my camera.
She wanted me to take her picture and although doctor office rooms don't make the best backdrops I'm always willing to capture a moment with the kids so I instructed her to sit with her brother so I could take their picture. She wasn't too happy with that idea, it seems she wanted a picture solo, but she sat down and made goofy faces (usually squinting her eyes closed really tightly) while I took the picture. Isaac, for once, actually made great smiling faces.We walked there and walked home when we were done (Evelyn ran out of steam on the walk home and needed to be carried- Isaac however, was running circles around us with his usual extra energy). Typical girl, Evelyn stopped to smell the flowers (weeds) on our lawn when we got home.
After the boys went home Evelyn zonked out on the couch (after 4pm). Had she not been so grumpy before that I might of prevented it, but I needed a break from grouchy kids. She woke just before her Daddy got home and of course, she had the energy to keep going past her normal bedtime, or at least the cuteness to play it off so we didn't put her in her bed anyway. Her preferred method to watch the movie with us- in her tub. We finally got her settled enough that she was ready to read herself a story, then we snuggled, and put her in bed.
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