I spent my Mother's Day obligated to absolutely nothing. Great way to spend the day in my mind!
Eating her banana watching the Scots battle |
I had already spent the previous day wandering around (guided non the less!) so I let Evelyn direct us to where ever her little heart desired. She really loved walking up to the costumed folk... until they started talking, then she would slowly back away and find somewhere else to walk to or point out to me. The gypsies found her very cute and were trying so hard to talk with her but she just stood there before she made up her mind that she didn't like people in costumes talking. She eventually found herself a treasure chest at the pirate ship that captivated her heart pretty well and of course, there were no costumed folks around!
I know I'm not supposed to find enjoyment at other peoples discomfort but while we were watching the Scots battle it out, an older woman approached and said she had something she'd like to give Evelyn. The woman opened her hand revealing several colored glass stones (a dragons tear to protect from bad dreams and sad thoughts-evil spirits) so that Evelyn could choose one, and without hesitation she picked a pretty green one and popped it in her mouth. The poor woman nearly had a heart attack on the spot. Evelyn is very good about not putting inappropriate things in her mouth-when she knows it's inappropriate- but I failed to explain to Evelyn what she was getting before she grabbed it. I bent down and told Evelyn it wasn't food (she spit it out no problems) and that it was a pretties. She was a little mad it wasn't chocolate as she first thought, but she was happy with holding and admiring her new gift afterwards.
We were about to leave when I saw Fowl Tales Parrot Show getting ready to start. It seemed interesting the day before so I decided Evelyn and I would settle in and maow on our own giant turkey leg (not nearly as tasty as they looked) and watch the show. It was actually pretty funny, and I enjoyed it. While he was setting up Evelyn would point to the parrots and exclaim "CHICKEN!" I would tell her that it was a parrot and ask her if she could say parrot. She would say that she could, and then say chicken again. The Germans behind me thought it was as funny as I did... or they were calling me stupid, one can't be sure.
The show had a segment at the end where he asked the "beautiful, intelligent children" of the crowd to come forward and offer 'more than peanuts'. It took me a couple of minutes to locate my dollars but I found one and by the time I sent Evelyn to place it in the basket (in front of the stage not near me) it had many other bills in it. I can honestly say I was worried that she would try to take money from it, but she put her dollar in just fine, then came back wanting more to place in the basket (I had her gave him more at the end of the show).
We made our way home so we could head up to Robert's for dinner. Unfortunately, she didn't sleep and refused to eat much of the turkey leg but all that considering she was in a really good mood. She wanted to play with Bella so bad but had to settle for swinging in circles with Daddy. Dinner was DIVINE and Evelyn loved it, too! So much actually, that she wasn't willing to wait for me to get the spoon to her mouth and she made a wee mess. She couldn't make up her mind if she wanted to play with Sasha or not and got upset easily when he would try to play with her. Or rather, she would get upset when he changed how she wanted things like magnets on the fridge. At the end of the night though, she said her goodbyes unprompted. "Goodbye, Sasha. Goodbye!".
My day really wasn't planned, but it turned out better than I could of hoped for. I feel refreshed and ready for a new week.
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