I feel like a kid in a candy store. I had fun admiring the themed buildings at Knott's Berry but now after seeing this that seemed like a waste of time. This place is incredible. I am actually understanding Disney Magic, it's here.
We've been inside the gates just a few minutes and already I've met Goofy and I feel like I've left and gone to yesteryear. I suppose I have. And this. Is. Awesome.
I know I'm a dork but all the amazing backdrops for photo ops thrill me. Bug, not so much. Luckily, our first stop was Bug Land to ride Heimlichs Chew Chew train. Who knew a little train with funny sounds and smells could be so enjoyable even with a baby strapped to my chest. This is promising to be a great day.
Fast Passes are wonderful. They are making the day so easy and with our Touring Plan it's like the park is set up for our personal pleasure. Just as we finish in a area, we get to the parade at the perfect time which ends in time for our fast passes and then we're done in perfect time for a show. I'm seriously loving it.
We got lucky and Moose loves rides. Even the dark ones. We got to do the Toy Story *shooting* ride which was so much fun. We did try to do it a second time but Bug really had to go potty and we didn't have someone to hold our place in line and it was too long to return to the end and still get to our show.
I am super grateful that I'm able to do some adult rides too. California Adventure is so much fun! While Mom and Debby were in line to go on it the chitlens and I were just hanging out when Bug spotted Woody across the boardwalk. She got super excited and started pointing to him wanting to go say hi. I was not expecting her to get excited over anything but princesses especially when she was so mad having to be near Goofy (which she later wanted to go back and do over). It was cute and I was so happy that she got so comfortable so quick.
I really loved the parade. Moose was asleep but he woke up when all the loud music started. I have to admit I was terribly lost many times in the park but the themed buildings are so fun to look at I don't even mind when I'm lost.
On our way to see the Aladdin show Bug saw Jake and totally *girl groupie style* freaked out wanting us to turn around so she could meet him. I didn't even know she had a little crush on him.
I had promised Bug that we'd do the Under the Sea ride (may have forgotten about it) so we went to ride it after World of Color. We were up early, and it was late when the show ended, and there was some drama before we got on the ride so by the time we got through the line (very short) Bug fell asleep. She didn't wake up for the ride either. I was sad for her but truth be told it was quite hilarious.
This truly was one of the endearing, special, magical trips of my life. I am so happy that we got to share it with you.