My baby cries and his chest "crinkles". It's the most disturbing feeling, but he's happy. He laughs. He smiles. He's going to be okay. 6-8 weeks and he'll be 'normal' again. It feels forever away, but we're almost there. He is such a brave baby. It hurts my heart that those who want to hold him, like his siblings and cousins, can't because his ribs move and those who can hold him don't want to because it's disturbing to hold 'broken' babies. I know broken babies are unnerving, I was afraid of my close friends babies when they were sick. I didn't want to make them worse.
Now, that broken baby is my own. I will hold him. I will love him. I will protect him to the best of my ability. Some things are just out of our control. I'm so thankful Cliff was right: babies bounce.
Don't actually try to bounce your babies or expect them to be okay no matter what.... this is a figure of speech. *
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