Evelyn discovered a few more stations before it was time to go upstairs for cake and crown making. She was so polite and proper with her food. She picked a seat at the end of the long table away from all the kids (to be fair she was one of the first ones to sit down, it's not like she tried to be separate) and sat properly waiting for food. She patiently waiting for cake to be passed out and didn't rush the cake pot, she asked politely for crackers, and even ate all her bunnies before she started on her cake pop. Funny thing about her cake pop, she sat there and licked it forever (in my world) before I finally encouraged her enough to try and actually bite it.
When she finished all her food, and P had opened all her presents, we headed downstairs to leave. As I'm saying my goodbyes Evelyn discovered the painting wall. She loves getting paint on the brush and rubbing it on the wall, much more than she did putting it on paper. I let her paint for a little while, but I was still trying to get her ready to go. It never fails, she's shy when we get there and warms up 2 hours later- right about the time we need to leave.
It's fair to say that getting to the party was extremely stressful for me (sorry I took it out on you Cliff, I was wrong). Before I left the house that morning Cliff had joked that it was right were I was last night so it should be easy to get to (for me it was not) and I could even get some cake when I was done. I wasn't going to do that, I didn't need the calories, but as I drove past it (literally 1 block away) I flipped around the block and parked again. The sleeping man on the tarp was still by the tree, he moved since last night so I knew he wasn't dead, as Evelyn and I walked past and up to Ricks.
The choices were almost all new since last night. I had such a difficult time picking something. Lemon bars, Chocolate OD, Chocolate Strawberry Tortes, Chocolate Raspberry Tarts... it all looked amazing. Evelyn wanted an eclair for herself so bad, she saw another little girl ask for it and decided she wanted it too. I finally settled on Creme Brulee since it's light and not as rich-or intense- as the Chocolate Over Dose I was drooling over, and a chocolate mint mousse torte to take home to Cliff.
Evelyn was very patient for a child who was ready for her nap and stuffed with crackers and cake. I gave her a spoon of her own but as it turns out, she doesn't care for vanilla pudding. Shame for her, more for me. While I finished my dessert she admired all the cakes in the case behind her asking what each of them was. I'm not completely cruel, when her and I got home Cliff shared his slice with her.
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