I did the laundry, got the majority of the house cleaned minus the baby play room and kitchen where we were still working on painting, and picked up the missing paint all before I had to pick up the boys from school. And, that's with the drive to and from Nevada City. Some days, I AM a rockstar.
When Cliff got home we had dinner and then he watched Evelyn while I started painting away more of the orange and red. When I finished with the second coat of light green I started on our dark green wall. My least favorite part of the whole house: the obnoxious orange fire place, would be a dark green. Not that I would of picked dark green as a first choice, but I already owned the paint and didn't have another location for it and anything to be rid of the orange is a huge step in the right direction.
Alex was watching me paint the fireplace on my ladder (wishing it could be him) and Cliff was watching Evelyn while she played her 'pod'. Then I heard Evelyn start crying underneath me (and Alex as he tried to help) and noticed her hand was completely dark green. She stuck her hand in my paint tray! To add to my joy, there- floating in my paint tray, was the iPod Evelyn had been playing with. Being up on the ladder and realistically unable to do anything in a timely manner I screamed for Cliff. What I wouldn't have given to have had a recording of those events. Absolutely hysterical!
Cliff got Evelyn cleaned up and bathed, and luckily for us the iPod cleaned off and still works (fell in perfectly flat and no paint got into any openings, thank you iPod Gods for watching out for us). I took a break to get her settled in bed then went back to painting and cleaning up the mess. The carpet got a few stains, but it had so many already, it really doesn't matter. I'm very glad we're painting before we've ever considered replacing the carpet.
The night started getting very late (Cliff had to head off to bed without me) so I finished my painting, put the supplies away, and stashed the remaining items in our extra spaces to be added to our dirty little secrets. The great thing about moving from a smaller house to a bigger house is all the storage you have. The bad thing is all the dirty little secrets you get. When you come to my house, don't look in the closet downstairs, or the garage (yet), or in my upstairs cabinets. They are all stuffed with boxes. Boxes I need to sort and put away, boxes I need to trash, just boxes I didn't want lying on my floor anymore. The problem with them no longer lying on my floor: it's much easier to forget about them and pretend they don't exist....
More photos from my re-invented house
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