Evelyn and I slept in a little this morning and then she played while I made my list of things to get done. I was able to chat with Melis (shocking!) for a bit about the party on Monday (holy cow that came on fast!) and I think we have some really good plans. I also managed to get myself a little done up today despite the burn (putting on anything with sleeves was very painful so I opted for strapless) but it didn't help with the pain any. Or with the crazy redness that made everyone stop and tell me how painful it looked.
Finally, Just before Evelyn and I left to start our errands, I discovered that my ipod was out of space due to all the apps I have on it for the kids. I spent a little bit of time on craigslist looking for a second hand one with a more memory and left the house with a few messages out in search of one. It came quicker than I expected: within our first hour of being out. So much for being productive.
Evelyn and I had time to run over to my brothers house and deliver the birthday party invitation (and stop to buy some lemonade from some cute little girls selling it on the corner), deposit money into the bank, and grab the sugar and Joanns before we went to meet the people about the pod. They were from Rancho, but luckily they were willing to meet me at Panera on Sunrise (where I had two free goodies on my card) so I took out two birds with one stone.
We made trifle to eat for dessert while we watched season of the witch. Not at all what I thought it would be. Another fantastic night with pleasurable company.
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