Our plan was to get on the road early so that we could head to Yosemite for a hike and some exploring. It wasn't long before it became very apparent that little moods were not going to be up for any adventures (and I knew I'd be bitter if I paid $20 and didn't do ANYTHING) so we changed plans and just kept driving towards home.
Breakfast was kind of a joke... we kept driving with good intentions of what we would have for breakfast but never found a good place to stop. Instead, we had string cheese, granola bars, fruit, and (Cliff's idea) Capri Sun. Good thing we were planning on being home by lunch because that meal wasn't exactly a mood lifter.
When the kids were no longer able to refrain from being cranky-butts I had Cliff pull into at a rest stop (one of the great ones all along the highway) and I literally made the kids do laps. Alex was a little annoyed about being forced to move *gasp, the cruelty!* but Isaac was all for it... for about a minute. They didn't like the idea, but they both had fun. I had them run (or walk, or be chased) for a good 10 minutes before we returned to a seated position in the truck for the remainder of the drive. It may seem like something crazy to do, but the kids were tuckered out enough from that to fall asleep! How wonderful those last few hours in the car were without hearing the bickering! Alex had insisted earlier that he NEVER can fall asleep in the car so when he nodded off and started snoring we took pictures as proof.
We made it home by lunch!
Having my birthday plans squashed I was feeling a little deflated about the day so I chose to look at the pictures Cliff took from the helicopter on the bigger screen of my computer monitor. The pictures were as amazing today as they were yesterday. Definitely lifted my mood back up. Before long, I realized we were running out of time to get groceries for dinner, so I gathered my things and headed out (begrudgingly) with an eager baby in tow.
Problem 1: Carseat was in Cliff's truck and Evelyn REALLY wanted to go (so I took his truck).
Problem 2: Cliff's truck was on empty (with a questionable amount that may or may not even get to the gas station)
Problem 3: When I was done getting gas and finally got to the store Evelyn had a super nasty diaper and the wipes were in the house. (meaning I had to buy some and change her diaper before I could even start getting my groceries)
Problem 4: I have a 2yo on a shopping trip where I'm in a hurry (which baby law states that she MUST drag her feet and play games like running down the wrong aisles)
I returned home and Cliff had everything ready to go. He BBQ'd the chicken up and we had the most delicious dinner. BBQ chicken thighs, corn, and loaded back potatoes (with bacon), and cliff and I had home made Pina Coladas (virgin for the kids)!
Since we were out of town and I wasn't able to make a cake, I got ice cream for dessert. After dinner I told Cliff to get the boys seated back down so we could eat ice cream but they surprised me with a birthday cake instead! When I was at the store Cliff and the boys mixed the cake, baked it, hid it, frosted it, AND cleaned up any evidence. I was really, really surprised! The boys also presented me with a hand made birthday card and gifts. Alex gave me 3 chores without complaint, and Isaac offered 1 full hour without throwing any fits.
Evelyn decided Red-Velvet cake and corn were great things to play with. Cliff's gift to me, he bathed the dirty child for me.
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