You talk all the time. To a mirror, to dots, or your fist, and definitely to us. You have the cutest squeals of joy.
You'll support your own head most of the day (and get annoyed if I don't let you do it) and don't mind tummy time-yet. You are incredibly stubborn about napping. Will refuse to stay asleep for more than a few minutes until you finally just DROP. Then you'll sleep for 3-4 hours, usually after being put in your swing.
Loves to be held, and will get fussy if you haven't been held enough in your mind.
Suffered a few times from constipation (weird since you only get breast milk) and we (meaning Daddy) even had to give you a baby suppository.
Still only been colicky a few times (mostly my fault for not being vigilant about burping).
You had a full head of hair when you were born only to have it fall out a few weeks later. You had a little island on the back of your head and all the hair at the nape of your neck still that didn't fall out. New hair is finally starting to grow back on the rest of your head.
Love to try to stand up. You'll push up with your legs and hold yourself for a few seconds before plopping back down to your butt and think it's the most fun game ever. You'll play this over and over with me.
Recognizes Mamaw's voice on the phone and smiles.
Tracks things wonderfully. Just started tracking the birds above her swing and now has a mobile that she loves to watch in her crib.
Finally have a doctor that we like.
Flirts during meal times and will stop eating to smile at you.
Went to the fair 3 times and was wonderful every time. Slept through most of it (every time) and only complained when I almost tried to drown her while breastfeeding (was a bit engorged) while trying to stay subtle in the middle of the fair. Cliff had to help clean you up while I stopped the flow. (Man, I wish I had a picture of her little arms flailing while milk kept spraying your face)
Sometimes gets little baby dreams that make her cry or giggle.Has scared herself with her own farts.
I experienced her first 'blow out'.
Has her first baby cold... luckily it's mostly just congestion.
Enjoys front facing walks in the moby.
Would rather suck her fist than her pacifier.
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