Still Not Here...
I went to the doctor this morning and he told me she's STILL not engaged (I'm going to have to whoop her ass when she gets out here). I'm 70% effaced and 1cm dilated and I lost my plug this morning, but no 'show'. She's not looking like she's coming anytime soon, but he stripped part of my membranes (doing it again tomorrow along with a non-stress test and ultrasound to check fluid levels) and he is giving me a chance and hopes she comes out this weekend. Otherwise, I go back for a non stress test on Monday or Tuesday and by the end of the week we have to 'throw in the towel' and he'll induce me even though he doesn't like to induce first time moms... He's happy there's finally SOME progress, and told me she's not too big so I guess that's a plus. I'm ready for her to come out now! Tuesday night I went for a 3 mile walk up a few hills, drank 4 cups of red raspberry leaf tea (not tasty), ate 'labor salad' for lunch and dinner, and a large glass of fresh ginger tea (also not that tasty) and still nothing. GET OUT BABY!
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