- Rolled over from back to stomach
- Enjoyed first Thanksgiving
- Tried Dill Pickle juice
- Likes to watch the world from upside down
- Teething has disrupted her sleep
- Giggles
- Blows raspberries when upset
- Did her first black Friday Shopping
- Survived a 7 day trip up to Washington
- Scratches anything that looks interesting
- Gets pissed off when she starts to fall asleep
- Easily upset by her toys. Especially the turtles
- Length fits 6-9mo clothing
- Enjoys sucking on her own toes
- Found her shreiky voice
- Starting to suck thumb more
- Sleeps with one eye open
This blog is my excuse to carry my camera around with me and take pictures like a tourist in my home town. This is also my way of staying positive and remembering the good things when I'm feeling buried under the mountain of straw. And finally, this is also where I may go from time to time to vent.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Five Months
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
3:41am... Almost time for Target to open
Black Friday
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Four Months
- Finally found your toes and like to eat them during diaper changes
- Started sucking your thumb. Not often, but sometimes
- Still not fond of a bottle or a pacifier, but willing to play with either for short periods
- Starting to sleep in the car. Sometimes
- Getting on a routine. Wake up, nap, eat, nap, eat, nap.
- Hair is finally growing back in. Mostly on top like a mo-hawk, but it's long enough for bows
- Got ears pierced 11-12-09, only cried for a few minutes
- Rolled over from stomach to back
Monday, October 12, 2009
Three Months
- Survived more than 3 weeks of thrush and antibiotics
- First sinus congestion (very mild)
- Did wonderful at the state fair. All 3 times
- Talks all the time
- Proudly holds her own head up... most of the day
- Stubborn at napping. Afraid to miss anything
- Prefers to be held
- Suffered from constipation
- Hair is finally growing back in
- Likes to practice standing
- LOVES her musical bunny
- Recognizes Mamaw's voice on the phone
- Tracks anything that will move very well
- Still hates the bottle, but will take just enough to keep from starving
- Finally found a great doctor
- Hates to wake up before 9am. Refuses to open eyes, and gets really grumpy if disturbed
- Very calm
- Flirts when she eats
- Loves her mobile
- Has the cutest pouty lip
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Two Months
Has her first baby cold... luckily it's mostly just congestion.
Enjoys front facing walks in the moby.
Would rather suck her fist than her pacifier.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Dr. and the Prince
2. First Years Breastflow-
3. Think Baby- I discovered this bottle at my favorite baby store Future
4. Born Free- Nothing all that special about this one past the standard
5. Gerber- Just your good old fashioned bottle that I only purchased for around a dollar each at Target. I actually only have this bottle because it fits perfectly on my pump and the bottles cost a hell of a lot less than the Medela ones they want you to buy.
6. First Years Soothie- "The same brand hospitals trust and use". Load of
7. Playtex Drop-Ins-
8. Nuby Softflex Natural Nurser- I love the pacifiers (although Evelyn
9. Nuk Natural Nurser Wide Neck Bottle- A friend suggested this bottle
10. Dr. Browns Wide Neck- Desperation lead me to the internet where several
11. Playtex Vent Air Advanced Wide Bottle- This bottle also claims less
I've realized many things in my search for the perfect bottle. First, there is no perfect bottle, if your baby is going to refuse them she will. Second, I'm realizing that Anti Colic advertisements are on just about every bottle. I'm thinking that bottle companies don't really have any clue how to truly prevent colic since there are so many different kinds of Anti-Colic systems: air vents in the bottles, vents in the nipples, vents in the bases, 2 part venting system, 3 part venting system, milk in bags, collapsible bottles... the list goes on. And yet, none of them seem to work for any given baby the same.
~Almost all bottle claim to have a more 'breast like' nipple.
~Orthodontic really just means it's shaped closer to your nipple when the baby is sucking on it.
~Wide neck or Wide base bottles all claim to be easier for switching from bottle to breast and back again.
~BPA-free advertisements like it's the more important than the bottle itself(of course since it's the newest thing to worry over I'm not really complaining).
~A little bit of plastic and silicone sure seems to be overpriced

12. Prince Lionheart Silicone Bottle- This bottle collapses so that the baby drinks less air (wait a minute, haven't I heard this speech before) causing less gas and therefore less colic. Whatever, at this point I'm just collecting bottles hoping to find the magical one that works. This one only put me out $11 dollars at least (at this point it's very sad that I'm okay with shelling out $11 bucks on a CUP). Even more fantastic is that by some amazing chance, she actually took a full meal out of this bottle. I'll cross my fingers that she takes it again too, but for now I know WAY too much about baby bottles, spent WAY too much money on WAY too many of them, but hopefully I won't have to be at work for 9 hours a day worrying about how my baby girl is starving herself.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
12 Bottles
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Pacifier Hell
2 weeks into being a human pacifier I decided a little artificial pacifier time couldn't hurt. After all, she was starting to suck on her wrist anyway and she had just found her thumb and I REALLY don't want a thumb sucker. You can take a pacifier away, you can't remove a thumb. So I pop out one of the pacifiers I purchased before she was born (I bought a few packs so I wouldn't loose them), pop it in her mouth and she starts choking and gagging. This breaks my spirit and I decide it's too early and go back to letting her suck on me for comfort.
I then head to babiesrus with my trusty gift cards and look for a different shaped nipple (I had an orthopedic one). She hates that one too. Another week of trying a few more times and I break down, head back to babiesrus armed with the remainder of the giftcards, and buy 4 more kinds of pacifiers. None of which have been successful. I try larger ones (again back at babiesrus) with no luck. Fancy one, cheap ones... I even drive down to Vacaville to get one beause non of the stores around here have it in stock.
All in all I have a fancy (read: over priced) rubber pacifier from Europe; every kind of Nuby Softflex (even a few different sizes); I have Mam's, Playtex, Soothies (the hospitals use it but apparently it's still not good enough for Evelyn), Nuk, and Sauvinex. I have orthopedic nipples, round nipples, flat nipples. Pacifiers made from silicone, caoutchouc (rubber), and latex...Still she refuses to take it... I'm getting desperate, and in the mean time I have invested a small fortune in a plastic collection for my junk drawer.
Stupid book now what am I supposed to do? I have a baby who's not nipple confused, but can't pacify herself!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
One Month
Smiles often with big grins... especially when Mamaw talks to her or daddy makes funny faces and noises
Still hates being in the car
Been out to a resturant several times during her first 2 weeks of life and already gone on road trips to visit Great-Grandma and to Mamaw and Grandma Debby's house
Sleeps for 5 hours at a time during the night most nights since week 2
Slept for 7 hours during the night at 28 days
LOVES her fist... will stare at it for a very long time quite happily
Always so calm, and loves to have a clean diaper
Still wont take a pacifier and only tried to take a bottle a couple times (with no success), but does pretty good once she's swaddled and shusshed.
Likes to sleep in until around 9am and usually goes to bed about 10pm
Smiles a ton in the morning
Got her first real awake time 9 days old when she stayed up and played with Ma for a few hours before Dad came home
Grunts when she's happy and her cry starts out sounding like she's saying "ooo gee".
LOVES to snuggle
Gets grumpy often because she's not sitting upright
Already up almost 3 pounds since birth
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Am I Done Yet?

Thursday, July 30, 2009
So Prepared

I found a few examples that I liked and Cliff and I picked out our favorite design. Just so happens it was simple enough I knew I could figure out how to do it on my own. It took me a few hours of playing with Gimp (photo editing program) but I got it down. I even figured out how to hijack font types from other computers (my own selection was sorely lacking) so I could use a pretty font.
The hardest part of the whole process was getting time to take her photo since I needed Cliff to hold her for our chosen photo and somewhere to take it. I ended up recruiting my mother to hold up the back drop (couch blanket) in our kitchen and I got Evelyn drunk (on breast milk, not really drunk), stripped her down to her birthday suit (with the cloth diapers it was too bulky for Cliff to hold) and snapped a few pictures. Poor Cliff's arms were dying because I kept taking pictures so that I could get the perfect one (lighting, her position, etc).

I took the photo and edited it (took about an hour for the whole process) then sent it in for printing. With the extra time I had waiting for Evelyn to come I managed to address and stamp my envelopes and design the birth announcements. What a brilliant idea it was! Several days later I got my announcements in the mail and all I had to do was stuff them in the envelopes and send them on their merry way.
Sure I could of purchased them and saved myself the hassle (not much of one in the first place) but I think the 10 dollars I spent on printing and envelopes was a much better use of my money.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
8 Days Late
By the afternoon I chose to head out to walmart to do some shopping (and walking to try to speed things up) so that I could stock up my cupboards with food for when I was too tired to cook. I was on the phone with my mom and was telling her that the contractions were still 10 minutes apart and some sweet little old lady stopped me looking panicked and asked if I was having pains every 10 minutes. I laughed and told her I was in early labor and was aware of it, she looked relieved that I wasn't going to pop out a baby in the middle of the breakfast foods isle and walked on.
About 8pm they started getting a little closer together and Cliff and I made plans for what to do with the kids just in case I needed to go into the hospital. I sat on my ball and bounced or rocked my way through most the contractions. I had Cliff start timing them for me because I was no longer able function during them by 10pm. I couldn't even click on the field as I tried to harvest my uncles onion farm. By 1am the contractions were 3 minutes apart (and had been for hours) so we called up Meg to tell her we were on our way to her house with the boys.
I gathered up my bags for the hospital and loaded them into the truck. We explained to the boys that their little sister was going to be coming out soon and that we had to go to the hospital. I think poor Cliff was nervous. We left for the hospital a little later than we planned because we didn't think I'd actually start labor that night so he seemed to be rushing to take the kids over to Meg's house (opposite direction of the hospital that I so meticulously timed our distance from). I told him to relax because I knew I wasn't having the baby in the next half hour and his driving was making it harder for me to labor without pain.
The unfortunate thing of going to Roseville with the boys was that someone had pissed off (or more likely squished) a skunk real close to Meg's house. The smell was so nauseating I actually started to cry as soon as the boys got out of the car. Luckily, we weren't there long and we got to the hospital at 1:30am.
Whoever did the scheduling for Sutter Roseville's nursing staff should be shot. They put the most idiotic, irritating woman at the front entrance. The same entrance that you have to call to get permission to come in. The really bad part of that was that she couldn't be understood on the phone, and apparently her English wasn't good enough to understand you either (I already had to deal with her when I called at 10pm and she told me to come in). When we finally got in she gave me a bunch of papers to fill out.
Finally, they brought me to room 11 and when the nurse checked me I was 3 to 4cm dilated and they admitted me. I was very excited to find out that my doctor (Cueto) was on call that night so I was definitely going to keep him as my doctor for delivery. I called Mom on our way in and she arrived around 3am to help me out.
When the doctor returned next around 12:30pm or so, I was 8cm and he informed me that I had to get and epidural to relax or I'd have to go into a cesarean because my hips were too tight because of all the hours of hard labor I had been in and the baby was
She weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 and a half inches long.
My support group was perfect, all of them family and my best friends at the same time.
Ma got there around 3am and was the only one who never napped. She was wonderful at keeping me focused, was very knowledgeable and helpful, and I'm so grateful that she took pictures for me as well. Having her there with me was more special than anything I could of hoped for and I'm so grateful I could share such an experience with her.
Melissa kept me company in the shower (her rubbing my back was the best) and truely was like having my best friend there. She also helped with the peace keeping that was needed.
Debby kept record of the day and had an arm to fan me that never seemed to tire. She made notes of the day and I'm very grateful for it. I'll be able to look back at this special time years from now and even be able to share them with Evelyn.
And of course Cliff. His presence really helped me when I reached those points where I didn't think there was any possible way I could continue.
I had 41 hours of total labor, and 23 hours of HARD labor. I hemorrhaged and tore in places I didn't know a woman could tear but I got to have my baby naturally. If I had to do it over again I would. Evelyn is worth everything I went through and so much more.