Another year, another birthday, and this time Mom's special day fell on Easter (first time ever!). It was really a great treat being able to get the whole family together to hang out, even Grandma and Catherine were able to attend!
All the kids got their own basket, and by random draw had their own colored eggs to find. Most of Evelyn's were found and delivered to her by her cousins, but she did find one of her yellow eggs inside the Dora tent... and then she decided that while she was in there it would be the perfect time open the eggs she already had and to eat the goodies inside them. Namely, the chocolate. She had way more chocolate than any 1 year old ever should have but even though she didn't take a nap, and didn't eat all that much protein, she really was in a great mood.
Although the day started off rocky when we would ask her if she was excited to see everyone (the answer was some form of yes, except for Auntie Lissa-and then it was "no. Scared") she did warm up by the end of the night playing with Melissa and even called out several "bye bye lis lissa. See you later" when we all got in our cars to leave. That was however, not before Auntie Lissa got her chance to terrorize (not really) her by taking her picture when she was throwing a tantrum.
The party went late (usual for our family) and we got a very rare (although poorly planned) thing: A family picture with EVERYONE in it and smiling. Several working families all coming together at the same is a rare thing and a picture capturing it is indeed special. Thank you very much to Haily: without whom we would of never been able to achieve this special birthday wish.