I went to the doctor on Wednesday (oh how fun that is) and he checked my progress for the first time. You'd think that at 38 weeks I'd be somewhere, I'm always hearing about how woman will be walking around for over a month at 1cm dilated and nothing... but alas I was only 50% effaced and super soft and little baby Evelyn is still a free floater. Meaning... I'm probably going to go over my due date (I know, normal right- why am I complaining). Come on baby, early July birthdays are good! Come meet your family!
My girlfriend is talking me walking on Monday (I should have been doing so much more of this on my own but I keep choosing not to because I can't stand the puffy feet I get) and I go back to the doctor on Thursday. I figure Tuesday I'll go back to yoga (I've been totally slacking and haven't gone in several weeks) and I'll find something to do Wednesday to try to make things start actively moving. I really don't want to be induced, and I don't think that remedies like caster oil are a good idea either and I still think it would be super cool to have a 4th of July baby. Fireworks on your birthday! Otherwise, I may have to vote for July 8th.. but that's almost cruel.
This blog is my excuse to carry my camera around with me and take pictures like a tourist in my home town. This is also my way of staying positive and remembering the good things when I'm feeling buried under the mountain of straw. And finally, this is also where I may go from time to time to vent.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Too Much Time
So before I've been freaking out because I wasn't ready for the baby to come. Put up and took down the crib twice (it wasn't perfect); kept moving the bassinet; counted all the blankets, towels, and burp clothes I had.... 2 weeks ago I finally had my baby shower (AWSOME party) and got all of things I needed. What I still needed or wanted I've been slowly picking up. I suppose I could put in the socket protectors, pick up some gripe water and a few baby gates, but those are such little tasks that really can wait.
Now I finally have her crib all set up: monitor, night light, and white noise machine in place (not all plugged in though).
Changing table is set up with the clothes washed and put away and diapers being delivered on Tuesday.
Hospital bag packed for both of us and I even went online and bought a few cute headbands in case she comes out bald. I don't have the car seat in yet, but it's all ready to be put in (have kids that need the seat still, do
n't want to cramp them together till I have to) and I also got a head and body support for her car seat ordered today, it should also be here on Tuesday.
Hospital bag packed for both of us and I even went online and bought a few cute headbands in case she comes out bald. I don't have the car seat in yet, but it's all ready to be put in (have kids that need the seat still, do
I went online and bought a book on breastfeeding and the parts I need for my breast pump for when I go back to work.
I have everything set up for her birth announcements, I just have to take a picture and put in her information then order the prints. I could still pick up the envelopes and address them now, but even if I don't have that done I do have all the addresses organized to one location.
I've been having so much swelling in my feet and hands it hurts to stand or try to grab things (much less write more than a few thank you cards at a time which is something I still need to do). I'm too tired or swollen to clean my house anymore than a mild state clean (ie, things picked up, not all laundry put away but it's all clean, etc)...
She's finally (as in last night) ruined my body and spread stretch marks all the way across my stomach... I'm pretty positive she's not coming anytime soon, I still have my plug, I don't think she's dropped yet, I know she's not engaged and I'm having no contractions besides mild Braxton Hicks.
I realized I was keeping my head busy and staying sane trying to organize what I still needed or needed to get done... Now I've finished that and I still have 2 to 4 weeks left (38 weeks today and with my luck, since now I want her out, she'll wait it out till the last possible moment to leave her cushy, albiet cramped, home) to sit and do what? I've had an easy pregnancy, but it's lost it's fun factor. I'm done.
Bed Rest
This pregnancy is much harder than I expected. Okay, it's still a cake walk, but I'm finally getting normal pregnancy symptoms (acid reflux, water retention, etc) that are NOT fun. I am at least very thankful that even though I'm due in July (crazy hot summer month) we've had a VERY mild summer so far. We'll pay for it later I'm sure, but at least then I won't be 9 month pregnant (I'm so selfish sometimes).
Yesterday I choose to put myself on bed rest. After walking around and trying to get a bunch of things done over the last 2 days my feet turned into these creepy, puffy, sausage looking things. Not pretty, not comfortable, and very difficult to walk around. It wasn't so bad for a day. I slept in, gathered a few things to entertain myself (books, tv remote, etc) and parked it on the couch with my feet up. Not horrible, but not fun. Bed rest would suck (I sympathize with everyone who's been put on it-unless they have a laptop, that would make it better). I only did it for a day and it seemed to help, but it was not so much fun. Hopefully my feet stay only slightly puffy after this so I don't have to do it again. My doctor told me I need to be careful with the heat coming on and making sure I don't let my feet get too swollen.
Yesterday I choose to put myself on bed rest. After walking around and trying to get a bunch of things done over the last 2 days my feet turned into these creepy, puffy, sausage looking things. Not pretty, not comfortable, and very difficult to walk around. It wasn't so bad for a day. I slept in, gathered a few things to entertain myself (books, tv remote, etc) and parked it on the couch with my feet up. Not horrible, but not fun. Bed rest would suck (I sympathize with everyone who's been put on it-unless they have a laptop, that would make it better). I only did it for a day and it seemed to help, but it was not so much fun. Hopefully my feet stay only slightly puffy after this so I don't have to do it again. My doctor told me I need to be careful with the heat coming on and making sure I don't let my feet get too swollen.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Ford Fukus
My car is still a POS, and now it's making a regular habit of not always starting... I give up on it. I bully it into starting when I need it to, wearing out other parts in the process, but at this point there really is little else I can do (unless crying somehow magically gets things fixed, I'm pretty good at that right now).
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